At Growing Milestones Pediatric Therapy, we understand the importance of thoroughly assessing your child’s abilities and challenges to pave the way for their developmental journey. Our assessment process combines playful observation in natural environments and the use of standardized tests, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your child’s strengths and areas for growth.

Through collaborative discussions with you, we set meaningful and achievable goals that serve as guideposts along the path to their developmental milestones. Each goal is carefully crafted to address specific areas of need while leveraging their strengths, ensuring that every accomplishment is celebrated and every milestone is achieved with pride.

Our evaluation process is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of your child’s abilities and challenges. Here’s a step-by-step overview:


  1. Parent/Teacher Interview: We start by gathering valuable insights from you, the parent, and your child’s teachers. This interview helps us understand your child’s history, strengths, challenges, and any specific concerns you may have regarding their development.
  2. Observation: Next, we conduct playful observations of your child in natural environments. This allows us to observe their interactions, behaviors, and skills in real-life situations, providing valuable insights into their development.
  3. Standardized Tests: To supplement our observations, we utilize standardized tests to assess specific areas of your child’s development. At Growing Milestones Oediatric Therapy, we employ a range of tests including the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test, Visual Motor Scale, Sensory Profile, and The Print Tool. These tests help us gather objective data and compare your child’s abilities to standardized norms, providing further insight into their strengths and areas for growth.

By combining these three components – parent/teacher interviews, observation, and standardized tests – we ensure a thorough evaluation of your child’s developmental needs. This comprehensive approach allows us to create personalized goals and interventions tailored to your child, fostering their growth and celebrating their achievements every step of the way.